Although I'm all jumpy about tomorrow, today's post has nothing to do with it. I actually want to talk about my experience and the people leading up to this point. I've gone through three educating and at the same time enjoying years at UniTAR. I can safely say that it was a great education for me. During the course of my education, I came across few individuals that had a hand in my development to a better person.
The first person in my list is a lecturer that I came to respect in every way, Ms. Haliza. The first subject that she ever taught me was Management Guru. You see, my transition from Pre-U to Uni itself was at a rather slow pace. I was getting used to the difference in education, examinations and and how to normally behave. Those who know me all throughout my schooling years would most likely describe me as a funny guy or a playful guy. Well Uni was not a playful matter. You need to know when to be serious and when to be funny. She was the one who brought me back down to reality. She was the one who made me be more focused and serious in my studies. Ultimately, she was the one who made me realise that it is not a great feeling to disappoint a person who had high hopes for you.
It was a presentation assignment given to all the students. Each students were assign a management guru that we need to present to the whole class. My guru was Henry Fayol, the name that I will never forget because I used to say to my friends, "Aiya why la I need to do Henry Toyol(no malice intended) haha". One fateful class, It seemed that the class will end without me having to up front to present. Honestly, I was not even remotely close to be prepared to present. So inside I was ecstatic that mine would be on the next class. As I packed most of my stuff into my bag, I heard a voice saying, "Iskandar, going home so soon? Lets hear yours" or something along that line.
My heart was beating like a car going 200km/hour. "I'm so dead", I thought to my self. I steadied myself and went upfront with a false confidence. Everyone else prepared mahjong paper for the presentation and being as unprepared as I was, I carried on to try and write the points that I could recall on the white board. Without even finishing the points I heard the same voice, but this time it's more in annoyance, more angry and with a hint of disappointment saying, "You are not prepared are you Iskandar?" and she continued with, "I didn't expect this from you at all Iskandar".
The moment I heard those words it was like a dagger was thrusted through me. I've let somebody down. It was an ugly feeling and I was not accustomed to that very feeling. All my life, I strive to make everyone happy. In some ways, I guess that why I became the funny guy, the clown who is there to make people happy.
Back to the story. I took few deep breaths and utter a few words. Asking whether I could redeem myself in the next class. For a moment time stood still as I waited for her response. She said yes but at the very same moment those dagger of words came to my mind and It was with me throughout the week that I strive to be prepared for the next class.
The day of the class came and I made it a point to go see her first before class to help her carry all the stuff that she often brings to the class. It was out of selflessness and not polishing any apples. I went to class first and straight prepared the mahjong paper even before she came in to class. I felt ready, I was ready. Ready to show that her expectations on me was not to be such a waste.
I carried out the presentation with what in my opinion was the best that I've ever presented. I managed to answer all the questions that were directed to me by my peers. I waited at the end for the response from her...
This very incident in my life taught me to buck up and be serious when I needed to be. In another angle, It taught me that I was in the right field of work. A field with high expectation and a field where it is best to please people. The service field...