Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Letters To My Darling-Letter II

34 Days and counting

Guten Tag Darling haha today I didn't do much as usual. Woke up at 11 or 12 I don't remember haha because spent the night watching football match. Suppose Idris was to watch the match because its a Liverpool game but nevermind I didn't really have much to do plus he asked me to wake him up during half-time. Well I did stayed till half-time to wake him up but he flew to far in his dreams already and didn't wake up hahaha After that watched for awhile then as usual ter-slept la hahaha come to think about it, who switched off the tele ah??? hahahah

Today was more boring than usual because Darling is not online. So I was like err do I really need to on my MSN and YM again??? hahaha Come to think about it, I didn't really use IM to chat with others, I used it to chat with Darling hahaha Nevermind..I'll find things to do while you're away like getting smaller hahahah I'm in the process of shrinking already. Hopefully I'll shrink in time la hahaha just as Juan said that I need to suprise people hahaha

Oh ya..I might be going back to Arau, Perlis on Friday till Tuesday so the discussion with Rishi I'll do it the following day ok..Ok la darling this is it for today. I'll write again tommorow k..MUAHHHHHH

P.s-I love you(hahah does this ring a bell..EH!! I haven't return you the book yet kan AIYA later I'll give it back k hahah)

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