Saturday, January 31, 2009

Im here-------------------------------------I need to get here

Instructions for passable results:-


Going up
  1. Release the clutch slowly and apply slight pressure on the accelerator.
  2. Control the car uphill.
  3. Hold down the clutch and brake when on the yellow line-The pole aligned with the side mirror.
  4. Pull the Hand-brake and free the gear.
Going down
  1. Hold down the clutch, put in the 1st gear.
  2. Release the clutch slowly till the point where a slight stammer is experienced.
  3. Apply slight pressure on the accelerator.
  4. Balance and hold both of the clutch and accelerator.
  5. Release the hand-brake and prepare to brake as the car goes downhill.

Parallel Parking
  1. Straighten the car.
  2. Make sure the first pole is situated at the errr "tingkap kecil pintu belakang".
  3. Ahem...turn the steering wheel counter-clockwise to the maximum.
  4. Hold down the clutch and switch to the reverse gear.
  5. Reverse slowly while looking at the driver's side mirror.
  6. Stop when seven poles could be seen.
  7. Straighten the wheel by turning the steering wheel clockwise two loops.
  8. Reverse till the first pole is situated aligned with the passanger seat's side mirror.
  9. Turning the steering wheel clockwise to the maximum.
  10. While fixed on the rear view, reverse till there is approximately a foot space between the car and the poles behind.
  11. Turn the steering wheel counter-clockwise two loops to straighten the wheels.
  12. Hold down the clutch and shift into 1st gear and move foward into the yellow box.

3-point turn
  1. Drive into the space.
  2. After crossing the line turn the car to the right and stop.(1)
  3. Turn the wheel counter-clockwise to the maximum.
  4. Hold down the clutch and shift in the reverse gear.
  5. Reverse the car till the entrance arrow is aligned with your(my) shoulder and stop.(2)
  6. Turn the steering wheel clockwise to the maximum and drive out of the space.(3)

1 comment:

kecik said...

hahahha..ko tengah ingat step ker?