Monday, December 15, 2008

Letters To My Darling-Letter XV

21 days and counting

Oit-oit Darling~ Today supposedly I was to attend the six hours class at Metro, three hours of theory and three hours of what I thought to be the physical servicing of the car. Well I was right on the three hours theory class but instead of the servicing thing we were to jump straight in the car hahaha I was feeling excited plus nervouse because wasn't really mentally prepared for it mah hahaha but atleast I enjoyed myself learning the how-to's and do-and-donts of the whole car driving deal.

It wasn't really as hard as I first thought(after hearing all the 'boleh pakai' testimonials of my friends haha). I was a bit confused on the parking bit hahaha need to remember the points in parking. The point 1, 7 and 1 again ahhaha and another thing that bothers me a bit is the car which was a Kancil. Clearly not for me size-wise haha It was really difficult for me to press the pedals properly.

Oooh the other thing was the accelerator. I was nervous when I stepped on it for the first time. Never thought that a slight push can make the car fly ahahaha. Need to work on that and the parking thing. I should be fine for the rest of the test in 'Bahagian II'

'Bahagian III' is the road test. I know that I'm not ready for that yet, so I need to work hard on my confidence and focus while driving...GAMBARE!!!!


Ok Darling till next time..MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

P.s-I love you


Juan d'caremel loveer said...

gd luck isse i makan hati ni u dh g amik lesin...thn dpn bwk keta k

IssiE said...

hahahah thx harap2 ok la haha